
It’s time to get your Spiritual Woo-Woo Magic out into the World, Live Your Purpose and Speak Your Truth

In order to live your purpose, you need clarity around what your purpose actually IS!


You also need to clear any resistance and stuck energy around living on purpose.

The magic and wisdom is within you! It’s time to draw it out and fully LIVE.

You want to be able to move forward with more ease, being really clear on your purpose rather than trapped in doubt and fear, or feeling like a failure.

You can transcend your cycles of deep wounds, pain and resistance.

You can gain clarity around your purpose, realize the impact you’re here to make and let your inner wisdom guide you to your best life.

If you resonate with this language, I might be the right coach, guide and healer for you:

Magic. Manifesting. Woo-Woo. Empowerment. Purpose. Passion. Spirit Guides. Angels. Archangels. Higher Self. Inner Being. The Vortex. Channeling. Abraham Hicks.Universal Laws. Tarot & Oracle Cards. Past Lives. Ancestral Karma. Soul’s Work.

Sherri SimpsonMY NAME IS…Sherri Simpson

I’m Sherri Simpson, your Intuitive Guide & Healer.I was really confused about my path and purpose for years. I was a chameleon in life, being who I thought I should be instead of who I really was and desired to be.I needed to connect to and trust my intuition, and act on my internal wisdom. I also needed to see my own value and act in alignment with who I knew I wanted to become.

Lady reading at the beach

Pamela Johnston, North Carolina, USA

“I am happy to wholeheartedly and without reservation recommend Sherri Simpson to anyone seeking guidance counseling, and feel myself unusually fortunate to have made her professional acquaintance.

Sherri is an exceptionally gifted, empathetic and intuitive, and I count my time with her to be of great and lasting value. Her rare gift of not only careful listening and inquiry but suggestions for seemingly simple exercises brought swift and far-reaching results.

With Sherri’s skillful assistance I was able to successfully remove myself from a long-standing place of frustrating inertia into a state of forward/upward movement and emotional clarity, for which I remain exceedingly grateful.”

Golden Orange Chakras

Tyeler Hunter, RTT Practitioner

“Sherri was truly instrumental in helping me feel intrinsically beautiful and lovable. Her insight has helped me both personally and professionally.The transformational recording she provided has been a vital resource for me. I’m forever grateful and will continue to go to her for wisdom and direction.Sherri is a beautiful spirit and truly gifted. The universe sent her to me as my angel. Her guidance is priceless.”

Model wearing a hat covering her eyes

A. Ina 

“Sherri’s reading was the result of Divine timing. The precious information it contained was what I needed to know. I was having doubts, and she gave me confirmation of what I had almost forgotten. She rekindled my faith and motivation in a project that is bigger than me, and I like to think of her reading as part of this beautiful journey.”

This is Fantastical Kate.

Kate Patchett, Intuitive Coach, New York, USA

“Sherri’s Akashic Record reading was fantastic. I learned several things about myself that helped me understand my life path and purpose more fully. She was even able to give me insight into what past lives are influencing this life the most! Sherri is also an incredible human being, bringing a special light and gentleness to her work. I highly recommend her!”

You’re here to make a difference in this world. That difference starts with you. -Sherri Simpson”


*To rekindle faith in yourself and in the Universe*To live your purpose and feel ON purpose*To see that your purpose is bigger than you*To create swift and far-reaching results in your own life and the lives of others*To learn how to empower yourself and others*To feel lighter, freer, more high-vibe and motivated*To set stronger boundaries from a place of love*To feel seen, heard and understood for who you really are*To trust and reassure yourself*To infuse your gifts and magic into your everyday life

A woman holding onto her sun hat stands facing a field of sunflowers



*Having doubts about yourself and your place in the world*Lack of faith in your ability to live your purpose and choose “right” and lack of faith in the Universe*Stuck in a long-standing place of frustration and inertia*Unable to transcend deep cycles of wounds, pain and resistance from this life*Trapped in negative vibrations and resistant situations*Trusting your intuition and acting on it*Lack of presence, awareness and confidence*Poor boundaries in your relationships – you say Yes to others a lot, and No to yourself*Struggle with what’s possible for you

*Feel anxious when you think about the HOW*Holding onto old stories that keep impacting your growth and success*Feeling stressed, stuck and weighed down*Experience a lack of sleep and lack of motivation

If you’re ready to create a THRIVING freedom-based, highly impactful soul-aligned LIFE leveraging your spiritual gifts as you live your purpose, the


Over 90-days, you will gain clarity about what your purpose is and get into alignment with it.

You will begin taking actions and together we will continue to clear the resistance as it arises.

You will meet your Future Self in a Future Progression session.

She’s going to help you design your Path to Purpose.


*Answer: Who am I?*Decide: What is the path and purpose I choose?*Trust: What are my spiritual gifts and how do I want to leverage them?*Rekindle faith in yourself, your intuition and the Universe

*Increase your presence, awareness and confidence

*Gain emotional clarity*Begin transforming into a new version of yourself*Gain powerful tools to be your own healer


*Learning a simple technique to find, release and re-program negative and stuck energy

*Meeting your Future Self in order to create your own unique Path to Purpose


A Google Dream Life Form for you to gain more clarity around what you

Do and Don’t want to be included in your Dream Life as you move along your Path to Purpose

ONE 45-minute Higher-Self Healing SessionYou will build a stronger bond with your Higher Self.

She will share with you where resistance comes from.

We’ll find, release and replace that resistance on this call.

You will understand how to use this technique on your own.

ONE 90-minute Future Progression Session

You will meet your Future Self living your Dream Life. 

We’ll work backwards to understand your Path to Purpose and how to create this life.

Limited Voxer (walkie-talkie) Support between sessions

Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10 am Eastern through 7 pm Eastern Time.


*A PDF describing who you are at Soul level based on your own Akashic Record

to help you more fully understand who you really are and what gifts you have+There’s ALWAYS more that can be pulled form your Akashic Record,

in case you’ve already had a PDF reading.

(Requires your Month/Day/Year/Place of Birth) 


*Align more fully with your path and purpose*Trust your internal wisdom and guidance more fully 

*Continue shifting your own energy and releasing the root causes

in order to grow more confident in yourself

*Shift your perspective and align with what you now know is possible for you

*Transform into a new version of yourself


*Healing as many as FIVE Past Lives in a Past Life Regression Session

*Healing more ready-to-be-released negative energy in order to align more fully with who you are becoming


ONE 45-minute Higher-Self Healing Session

Clearing more negative energy through this life, past lives, and your ancestry that’s making it challenging to align to your Purpose

ONE 90-minute Past Life Regression Session

In this session, we heal each past life as we visit it in order to positively shift the energy now and into your future

Limited Voxer (walkie-talkie) Support between sessions

Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10 am Eastern through 7 pm Eastern Time.

BONUSES:A Recorded Emotion Code Video explaining how best to use this simple

energy healing technique to release negative trapped emotion


*Understand the actions aligned with who you are becoming

*Take more aligned action as you continue to become this new version of yourself

(and unbecome who you no longer wish to be)

*Create and act upon your new stories based on what you know is now possible

*Celebrate your new vibration and how far you have come!


*Reinforcing the new positive stories through visualization and imagination

*Reinforcing the positive and healing thoughts through aligned action


ONE 45-minute Higher-Self Healing Session

Clearing more negative energy that’s preventing you from taking the action determined to be aligned to your Purpose and Dream Life.-ONE 60-minute Celebration Session

To look back on your progress and celebrate your commitment to yourself and your Path.

Limited Voxer (walkie-talkie) Support between sessions

Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10 am Eastern through 7 pm Eastern Time.


*An audio recording that reinforces your new stories


FOUR additional 60-minute calls, 1 per month and 1 Bonus

24-7 Unlimited Voxer Monday through Sunday

*Monthly clearings of negative and stuck energy from your Akashic Record to help you raise your vibration

*A PDF to teach you how to access and read your own Akashic Record

*A Recording to help you access the wisdom available in the Quantum Field

*A Recorded Video explaining the basics of Human Design

in order to more fully understand how your energy works alone and while interacting with people around you(Requires your Month/Day/Year/Place/Time of Birth) 

*A Numerology PDF and Video Series explaining how to calculate some important numbers connected to your birth date in order to more fully help you understand why you came into this life and what your Soul had in mind for your life’s path and purpose.

Sign up now!


*Introductory pricing for the first THREE clients*

Investment:$2000 CDN paid in full (Savings of $331)


3 monthly payments of $777 CDN (Total of $2331)

It’s time

to Live your Purpose

What Others Say About Sherri

I had a fantastic session with Sherri… I was feeling stressed, stuck and weighed down. I was becoming more stressed with no relief, lack of sleep and my motivation was lost.So I booked a session with Sherri.

We started to really focus on what sensitivities I was having, what relationships were causing an issue, and what was holding me back in my career and life balance. She helped direct me to the root of my issues.Each item we focused on, discussed what it was and how I could change it, or what tools I could use to remove it. Then we cleared out that negative energy and replaced it with those positive and motivating thoughts.She gave me the tools to replace the damaging energy with positive and healing energy.

The results came in slow and steady. Suddenly I was being recognized for my work, relationships that were tense were smoother, and I started to sleep more soundly. All in all, I was lighter, and more motivated.

She is insightful, with a helpful spirit and positive energy. I am telling everyone about her great skills to help guide and enrich people’s lives.

M. J.

 / Canada

Sherri, is kind, warm, wonderful, and super fun!I felt very comfortable with her immediately, I could open up and share some very intimate details with her, it was as if I knew her for a long time.The work we did work wasn’t anything like I thought it would be.We went into my past and released some issues that weren’t serving me any longer. I learned lots of things about myself and I now see connections I couldn’t before.I felt lighter emotionally and physically and much happier after the session.I continue to feel good about myself and look forward to each new day.Do yourself a favour and book time with Sherri!!Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I’m so grateful to you

Donna Warren

/ London, Ontario, Canada

Sherri Simpson gave me a powerful healing and releasing. It was a beautiful unfolding where I felt 100% held and trusted her “spot-on” guidance. I appreciated her strong, connected, yet gentle presence. She helped me transcend through cycles of deep wounds and pain and resistance in my life. I appreciate the skills that she taught me, empowering me to have a stronger connection and understanding of my intuition.Within 2 weeks I noticed that: I’m shifting energy quicker and staying in a positive vibration even with resistant situations. I’m using the tools that she taught me and getting trusted answers and communication with my higher self. I’ve got increased presence, awareness, and confidence. I got clarity on my dating life and created better boundaries with my time.Thank you, Sherri Simpson, for sharing your skills and knowledge from your heart so generously and openly. You intuitively gave me everything that I needed and taught me how to deeply connect and trust in my guidance. I love how simple it now is for me to connect spiritually and to receive dependable answers and communicate effectively and efficiently with my guidance.

Rhonda Richard 

/ Transformational Coach

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