I help you release what is not you so you can hear your intuition and manifest the life you really want.

I know that you want life to be different. You want life to feel easier, and you want to feel free. (This 35-Day Mindset & Manifestation Email Challenge will help.)

What you may not realize is that you actually want to BE different, and act way more yourself.

The reason you aren’t who you want to be is NOT what you think.

You’ve carried forward karma from past lives, patterns from your ancestors, and beliefs from this life (from childhood and from every relationship that didn’t work out).

Every time something bad or scary happened through your past, you created a mechanism to keep you safe if it happened again.

That means you store old and new emotions. They get trapped.

You also picked up energy from the people and objects around you, and you keep doing that. Then you think the energy you carry is actually yours when it isn’t.

All of these mechanisms have made you more of who you are not.

In order for you to become who you really are, you must release all that is not you AND what is no longer serving you.

Once you do that, you will be able to hear your own Inner Guidance and it will be easy to act on it.

That’s why I developed the re-CREATE You framework.

CREATE stands for:

It helps you get CLEAR on how your intuition is actually received, and what is not you, so you can RELEASE what’s not serving you, call in the EMOTIONS that ALIGN with who you really are and what you want, TRAIN your mind to continue this releasing and up-leveling process and finally feel EMPOWERED to create a more fulfilling and purposeful life by acting on your intuition.

Are you ready for all the that?

The Reclaim YOU session to help you re-CREATE the person you really are.


1) What is preventing you from reaching your goals
2) What your really want and WHY you want it
3) How to take the steps you need to take to get unstuck
4) How to confidently access your intuition so you can move forward.

Benefits of The Reclaim YOU:

  1. Gain a crystal clear vision of your next steps
  2. Uncover hidden challenges that have been sabotaging your success in accessing your intuition and using your own wisdom to manifest your desires
  3. Leave this session renewed, energized and inspired to finally take action on accessing and using your intuition for the benefit of you, your loved ones and the world.

Feel seen and heard.
Be your own authority.
Have more money and increased health.
Live on purpose.
Experience satisfying relationships.
Be, do and have so much more.

If you’re not trusting yourself, then you’re not accessing and expanding your intuition. When this happens, you stay stuck.

Join the FREE 5-Day Emotional Awareness Challenge happening in August!

What do you need to know to manifest the life you really want?

1) You can pick up energy from those around you.
Most Empaths (feelers of energy) do that and hate it.
Once you learn to dial it up and down, and use it for your benefit, you will see this as a gift. Until then, it’s VERY challenging to understand what is yours and what is not and to be truly YOU.
**I help you access this energy, and understand where it is rooted. Then I help you release it and call in new energy to fill it’s place.

2) You carry old karma forward from past lives. Karma is some type of energy that is NOT complete. For example, if you were shot by someone in a past life and died, and you did nothing to deserve that treatment, AND the person was not punished or did not experience or receive an equal amount of karma, you will carry forward a fear of death, or a fear of weapons, or a fear of men into other lives, until the karma is complete.
**I help you complete old karma, clear old contracts and heal old lives so you can be unapologetically you.

3) You carry forward patterns and habits from your ancestors. Let’s say that the women in your family are workhorses. They always do all the work in the family, they take care of everyone else and they never sit down. This is very common. You may not have these same beliefs, but a piece of you feels obligated to carry it, or feels guilty when you don’t, and so you feel a bit stuck and trapped by circumstances that aren’t even yours. You can quickly and easily learn to put down this pattern and call in a new one that resonates and serves you, and does not offend your ancestors.
**I help you access the root cause(s) of these patterns and heal them for you, future, generations, and even for past generations if they are willing.

4) You carry forward old beliefs from birth, childhood, your teens or a specific event from this lifetime that no longer serves you. This is how your subconscious mind traps you and keeps you stuck.
**I help you access the root cause(s) of these beliefs and reprogram them to serve your highest good and the highest good of those who come in contact with you.

Any of the above can be the reason you can’t:
*find a partner
*get a better job
*build your business
*make more money
*feel well and confident
*have more fun
*travel the way you want
*and so much more.

By learning to access your intuition, expand it, trust it, and act on it, you can release ALL that keeps you stuck, trapped, overwhelmed and burnt out and finally align to living the life you want. YOU can do all of this.

Manifesting is an EMOTIONAL process. So if you have stuck and trapped emotions, that aren’t even yours, then you’re surely not manifesting the life you desire.

You’ll need to overcome all the blocks and limits you have around:
1) being seen and heard for who you are
2) presenting to the world who you really are rather than who you think you *should* be or need to be
3) acting for yourself rather than acting for the benefit of others.

That’s where I come in.

I see who you really are. The confident, successful and happiest version of yourself.

No, seriously. It’s one of my gifts as a healer and spiritual being. I literally see other humans at their fullest potential. I can guide you to be the next evolution of you, because I SEE you. I see where you are, I see where you want to be and I guide you along that path.

I can’t do the work for you, though. That would create bad karma for me. It would be considered meddling in business that is not mine. I’m not a meddler. I am a spiritual guide who is ready to help you heal and transform.

You heal and transform yourself and your life. I just help.

It takes a willingness to change and a desire to reach a new level in your personal and spiritual development. I know you have it in you.

Let me guide you back to the next evolution of you.


a hypnosis clock swings back and forth to bring you into a relaxed state
It’s time to transform your life.

In order to get new things, you need to leave your comfort zone and be willing to do new things.

A colourful abstract butterfly
You’re ready to fly.

I believe in you. Soon, you’ll believe even more strongly in you, too.


I, Sherri Simpson, use a unique combination of incredible transformational tools to guide you along your journey. The tools I use don’t really matter, as long as you get FAR more from me than you expect. And you will.

If you have questions, email me or find me on Facebook Messenger.

Woman standing on top of a mountain overlooking a gorgeous mountain view with fluffy clouds
Live your dreams

See what others have said about their experiences working with me:

“I am so grateful to have been introduced to Sherri. She has helped me shift my perspective of what I thought was possible for myself in my personal life and in my business. I never realized how much hanging on to old stories can impact the growth and success of you and your business until she helped me heal mine. I am transforming into this new version of myself that I am very proud of and learning to celebrate my success along the way. I owe so much of my growth to Sherri and I am so excited to continue to work with her as my business grows.. When you need reassurance, Sherri is there to teach you how to give it to yourself. She doesn’t just help you with the work, she teaches you how to do the work so you can apply it to all facets of life.  I don’t know that my words will do her justice but Sherri is truly an incredible voice of wisdom, has unique talents and gifts that I have never seen anywhere else, and an approach to coaching that is one in a million. I highly recommend you work with her. You will blossom if you do. ” – Tracey Gairns Brioux,

“One of my dear friends pointed me to Sherri a number of months ago. She was in awe of the insights she had into some of her deepest feelings and how it created a powerful, positive shift. She gifted me a session and I’ve been regularly working with Sherri since! When I’m going through a time where I feel like I’m stuck or need clarity, Sherri’s readings always highlight important focal points for me. Things to pay attention to, possibilities, her sense about what might be up, or is to come. She’s so genuine and intuitive, with a knack for zeroing in on the heart of it. I’m so thankful for being connected to her!” – Cynthia Dennis, Yogi, PEI, Canada

“Sherri was truly instrumental in my feeling intrinsically beautiful and lovable. Her insight has helped me both personally and professionally. Her Transformational recording has been a vital resource for me. I’m forever grateful and will continue to go to her for wisdom and direction. Sherri is a beautiful spirit and truly gifted. The universe sent her to me as my angel. Her guidance is priceless.” – Tyeler Hunter, California.

“Sherri: She’s an excellent energy worker and exceptional healer. She was thorough in covering all the bases to ensure I was properly cleared and integrated. All the ancestral- lifetimes were totally reviewed and aligned quickly. It was worth making out a detailed list of all my concurrent lives problems, triggers, and issues. Everything came out to the surface. I’m glad it was both exposed and taken care of. My divine blue print is understood and my higher purpose in life is more clearer now. Thanks!” – E. Michael from Mt. Shasta, California.

“From the moment I met Sherri, I knew she was something special. Her warmth and genuine “realness,” (is that a word? LOL), and lack of judgement was obvious, which is extremely important to me. I immediately knew I could trust her, be open, honest, and vulnerable with her. 

Later, when I started working with her for Spiritual Guiding, teaching, and counselling, I was absolutely blown away! My first reading received was an Akashic Reading. I had never received one of these, or even heard of them before Sherri. I didn’t know what to expect, and at best it would be “interesting,” and “fun.” Oh My Gosh – it was WAY more than that! Yes, it was fun and interesting to receive – but it was absolutely life changing! At one point, I had to stop listening to Part 1 of my reading, as I was so blown away by the accuracy and information she was stating that I had not told her. This two part reading is something that you will go back to time and time again, and hear what you need to each time. They are lengthy, packed full of guidance and information that often just makes things “click!” I can’t recommend this reading enough!

Since that time, I have reached out to Sherri on a number of occasions for readings and insights into situational events in my life. She has “cleared,” old energy, and although I don’t logically understand, I absolutely have noticed that I no longer worry or ruminate over issues that I had for years. Not only has Sherri provided me with valuable guidance, she is currently teaching me how to interpret, and receive my own messages and listen to my own intuition.I feel honoured to have watched Sherri grow within her own Spiritual practice, as she lovingly encourages those with whom she works to do the same. Sherri is the REAL DEAL! I highly recommend her for whatever issue brings you to her.” Jennifer McKenney, PEI, Canada

“I can firmly attest that the days following Sherri’s Akashic Records cleansing of my apartment, it feels so much better. I feel more relaxed and at peace than I have in a long time. There was one room in the house that was particularly bad – filled with sadness, depression and negative energy to the point where there was a smell I could not get rid of. I burned sage, cleaned, and flooded the room with essential oils in the air diffuser. Nothing worked until Sherri performed her cleansing. I live in Germany and Sherri was able to cleanse the energies all the way from Canada. I am a believer.” – Jeff in Germany

“I just had the most amazing Transformation session with Sherri Simpson. She is easy to work with and warm hearted. Through my session, Sherri confirmed a dream I had as it was a part of a past life experience.

It was amazing to tap into my past and release the history that no longer serves my higher purpose. It was also exciting to see how I lived in my past life. I was able to see myself at age 5 or 6, early twenties and an experience I had with my very first Personal Training client.

I have worked with many healers since 2006, and I would place Sherri on the top five of my list. Each healer has helped me transform into the Healer I am today.

With the tools Sherri Simpson has shown me during my session, I will continue to transform and step deeper into my Purpose and know I am living in financial abundance. I highly recommend Sherri Simpson for a Transformation session.” Rev Joanne Angel Barry Colon, 11/28/2018, New York

Find me on Facebook Messenger here:

**You are the creator of your own reality. Once you learn how to access YOUR wisdom, you can manifest ANYTHING.

May you quickly and easily become the person who manifests all your desires.

Sherri. :O)

*Up-level your mind and your manifesting mojo by joining the 35-Day Mindset & Manifestation email Challenge here: