Spiritual Healing & Development Circle: The Journey to Self Mastery

You know you have a greater purpose in this world, and you’re here to help a lot of people. But something, your own traumas and challenges, are holding you back.

It’s time for you to heal yourself, and expand your intuition and spiritual gifts so you can truly live your authentic life and heal others.

You sort of understand energy, but you want to see it, feel it, hear it and know it, to the best of your ability. You want to expand your own Clairs (clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience and claircognizance), and maybe even telepathy.

You want to learn how to run energy through your Chakras and to connect to the Abundance layers above and below you.

This beautiful photo of mountains protruding out of water with the sun setting behind is by Ryan Pernofski from UnSplash

You want to understand the messages that your body are sharing, and know how to act on them.

You get the Law of Attraction, and some of the other Universal Laws, but you want to leverage it, and understand how you UNIQUELY manifest.

You want to build a deep relationship with your Higher Self, Spirit Guides, and the Archangels, and maybe even the Council of Light so that you always have help, wisdom, and clarity.

You want to know how to write, speak and embody epic affirmations that truly work.

Be the Unicorn you are here to be.

You want to know who you are at Soul Level and what gifts and talents you brought forward so that you can act on them to help yourself and others.

You want to have an idea of when and if your desires are going to come true and what thoughts, emotions and actions you need to be thinking, feeling and taking to make them come true fast!

If this is you, you’re a perfect candidate for the Spiritual Healing & Development Circle, the Journey to Self Mastery Program.

Join me for a FREE call to gain clarity around where you ARE, where you WANT TO BE, and how I can help you fill the gap. If you’re a good fit for the Program, I may invite you to join.
Email me: sherri@sherrisimpson.com or
Message me on Facebook to setup a time to speak:

You are FAR more powerful than you give yourself credit for. It’s time for you to heal and for you to bring your gifts and talents to more people.

Let's use the wisdom in your Akashic Record to help you heal and transform.
Your Akashic Record or Soul Book

This program will guide you with:

  1. Your Chakras – clearing them and balancing them, plus learning to run energy through them
  2. Claircognizance – understanding Clear Knowing
  3. Clairaudience – understanding Clear Hearing
  4. Clairvoyance – understanding Clear Seeing
  5. Clairsentience – understanding Clear Feeling
  6. What it is to be an Empath and how to leverage this gift
  7. Understanding messages in your body and how to use that wisdom to heal and transform
  8. Learn to Journal and use Affirmations that are positive and powerful. Writing them alone is not enough. You must speak them and embody them.
  9. Connect with your Inner and Outer Circle of Spirit Guides.
  10. Connect with some of the Archangels and learn when to call upon them.
  11. Declutter your mind and heart. Learn the Universal Laws and how to leverage them.
  12. Connect with your Higher Self and build a relationship so you always have access to higher guidance.
  13. Learn how you uniquely manifest at Soul Level so you can leverage the Universal Laws AND your Soul’s Gifts.
  14. Learn who you ARE at Soul level and get more into alignment with her so you can manifest more quickly and easily.
  15. Learn how to work with the FUTURE so you can gain clarity on if what you’re thinking, feeling and doing is ACTUALLY going to bring your desires to fruition and how to shift your thoughts, emotions and actions so you can manifest into your physical reality more quickly and easily.

This program is EXTREMELY powerful. It’s set-up to guide you deeper into yourself, and help you transform your life.