I found this beach on a sunny day in March. I had some time after a Leaf Filter call, and decided to explore.
I’m happy I did!

Yes, there was still ice out on the Ottawa River, but it was a warm day on the land, around +14C.
I walked the paved and cement trail all the way around the peer that juts out first. Then I followed it along the water to the edge of a neighbourhood and back to my parking spot.
You can find the parking area here at: 2805 Carling Ave in Ottawa, Ontario. Follow the signs down a big hill. You’ll see the Tennis Club up ahead, and find the parking lot to your right.

This beach has the paved Greenbelt (West) trail going straight through it.
Those who want to run on a paved surface, push a stroller or use a wheelchair can enjoy this trail.

They had a portable bathroom in the parking lot, which I used. It was wheelchair accessible.
I appreciate when cities add this amenity in public parks, especially out of season.
The surface of the beach here was a very dense and hard sand. It was more like dirt or large pebbles. I stuck to the dirt and cement trails.
Only time will tell if they take care of the beach during beach season and groom the sand to make it softer.

This beach and park area is very large, and has several different parking areas. I am going to assume that in the Summer months, this place is crazy busy.
For that reason, I give this park a 4/5.