Thank you for signing-up for your Akashic Record Reading

Please reply by email or Facebook Messenger with your birth details.

I need to make sure I have the correct Soul.

Please send:

Your Full Name Now
Your Full Name at Birth
Your City and Country of Birth
Your Month, Day and Year of Birth
and your Time, only if you have it.

Sending your birth details is the written permission I need to access your Akashic Record.

Once I have that, I will do some research in your Akashic Record determining who you are at Soul Level. I will create a PDF for you explaining this, or a video if you’re a visual learner. You can let me know which you prefer.

You will then prepare a list of 12-15 things that you want to clear. This can be anything. Symptoms, repeating patterns, relationships that didn’t work out, anything, in any and all areas of life. You can be as vague or specific as you wish.

Once I have the list, I will then access your Akashic Record and find the root causes of each item on the list. They usually end up grouping into 4-6 categories and I find 1-5 root causes for each group.

Once the clearing has been done, we can book the call and talk all about it.

After the call, I will do one more general clearing to make sure that the energy has not reverted while we spoke about it.

You will also be emailed these details.

Thanks so much and I look forward to helping you.

Sherri. :O)