Transformational Healing

What if I told you in ONE month, I can help you transform your life so much that you won’t recognize yourself?

Is that exciting or terrifying? The emotions are often so similar that we mix them up.

I can help you feel excited AND transform your health and more in ONE month. Let me share how…

You’ve been operating based on certain beliefs and patterns since you were little. Each time something happened that was scary, sad, challenging or traumatic, your subconscious mind created a belief or pattern to help keep you safe.

This works great for awhile because you know what to do if something similar happens again. However, what kept you safe at 8 or 18 isn’t likely relevant now. You aren’t the same person you were then, so you need new beliefs.

Three pink flowers each hold a bee with a green background.
Your subconscious mind has been a busy bee keeping you safe for years.

If you’re still operating with those same beliefs, then it’s no wonder that you can’t release the excess weight, heal your body and feel revitalized. It makes sense that you can’t seem to create the abundant, joyful life you want, the satisfying career or relationships that you deeply long for. You just don’t hold the beliefs and thought patterns that will allow all of those things.
You can’t create them because your subconscious mind IS preventing it. Those old patterns and beliefs are keeping you stuck.

They could be stuck in your subconscious mind, which means you don’t really know they’re there. You know something is keeping you stuck, but not exactly what.

But, they could be hiding deeper. You could’ve carried them forward from your ancestors or through past life karma.

If you’ve been doing ‘all the right things’ and you haven’t seen the results you’re desiring to achieve, then look no further. This Transformational Healing Package IS your answer.

You will be transformed through these THREE amazing services that are being combined for a limited time:

  1. One 90-minute Hypnosis for Healing Session that allows us to guide you into your subconscious mind where the Root Cause(s) of what’s been keeping you stuck will be revealed and healed. You’ll be directed back to 3-5 scenes or situations that caused your current challenge. Revealing these through this process allows you to review some details that you’ve likely forgotten and re-write them.
    **Research shows that it takes 21 days to create a habit. I know you want the new transformed you to stay, so a Transformation Audio Recording will be provided that you are meant to listen to for 21 days. While you’re doing this, you will be supported through email/text/Messenger. We’ll heal what comes up. (Valued at $500)
  2. One Karma Clearing Session that will help you clear current and past life blocks, plus things you’ve carried forward through your ancestry. This Life Situation Reading will require you to create a list of ~15+ items that are old situations, traumas, or patterns in life that have been repeating. These could be regarding ANY areas of life, from any time frame. I sort your list into categories based on my intuition and your Spirit Guides. Then I use your Akashic Record to reveal the Root Cause(s) and clear them. We call Divine Love, Light, Truth, Abundance and Wisdom in to fill the spaces.
    **These sessions are Energy Clearings which are done distally, meaning you don’t need to be present. Once I have: your list, your permission to access your Akashic Record and your birth details to make sure I have the correct Soul/Record (Full Name at Birth, month/day/year of birth and city/country of birth) I’ll get your Life Situation Reading done. (Valued at $111)
  3. One Higher Self Healing Session that will allow you to create a relationship with your own Higher Wisdom. In order for you to become your own authority and to learn to heal and release what comes up for you in your future, you need to have a way to access the wisdom. Your Higher Self is always available to provide wisdom for you. They aren’t there to ‘tell you what to do’, as that would violate your Free Will, so you need to learn to ask questions and receive answers in a specific way.
    Once you trust this relationship, you can learn to ask Yes/No/Maybe questions and receive responses. I teach a unique energy healing technique to let go of what comes up and re-fill that space with something that feels better.
    We’ll do this over a 30-minute video call. You’ll also receive as a BONUS, a 40-minute video that details this process. (Valued at $88 & $111 respectively.)

There’s a lot of healing potential over this MONTH that will take place in your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

You want to heal. You just don’t know if you’re ready.

If you find where you are FAR more scary (and annoying) than creating the transformation and taking new actions, then YES, you’re ready.

If you purchase this Transformational Healing Package for the low low price of $350 Canadian prior to March 31st, you’ll also receive a BONUS follow-up call with me.

If you have questions, email me:
or Message me on Facebook:

If this is all the information you need and you’re TOTALLY READY to transform, you can book your Hypnosis Session here:

**If you don’t see a day/time that suits you for the Hypnosis for Healing session, we’ll do your Life Situation Reading first. Book your Transformational Healing Package here:

Two women link arms doing back bends in a field of wild flowers.
May healing be your next step.