Overcoming Infertility

When I was diagnosed with Graves Disease, I had no idea that my body was going to go so bonkers. I lost my monthly cycle for an entire year. At first, this was kind of cool, since I didn’t have to worry about it anymore.

But after awhile, I felt inadequate, not enough and no longer female.

I was infertile, but not in the way you may think.

The female body is SUPPOSED to experience a regular cycle until you reach the age of menopause where it’s no longer safe to carry a baby. That is NOT supposed to happen in your 20’s, 30’s or 40’s. If you are a female, and you have been trying to have a baby, and your body is NOT cooperating, I have an idea of how you must feel.

The female cycle is meant to be experienced monthly without any signs or symptoms aside from the fact that your body is shedding a layer.

That’s right, NO symptoms. There’s not supposed to be any cramps, nausea, headaches, dizziness, pains or otherwise. When your body is healthy, these dreaded crappy signs and symptoms are a thing of the past.

They were for me. Gone. Done. No more.

When I have a headache or I feel a little cranky, it’s a flag for me that I haven’t been treating my body well.

I recently realized that many women who experience issues with the thyroid, especially Graves Disease like I used to have, often have trouble getting pregnant and carrying a baby to term.

The hormones and the endocrine system need to be balanced and happy. They will follow your commands.

If you want a baby, you should have a baby. But how?

If you or someone you know is trying to get pregnant and not able to, watch this video:https://youtu.be/HA2gJpNvCVg

There’s also a FREE PDF that goes along with it. Access it here:http://bit.ly/OvercomingInfertility

Your body is happy to function the way you desire.

Your body wants to please you, and in some weird way, it is. WHAT?!

At some point in time, maybe as a teenager, you decided that it was a BAD idea to get pregnant, so you SWORE that it wouldn’t happen to you. You’d be disowned or you wouldn’t be able to live out all of your desires.

Your body may still be abiding by this ‘contract’ or belief that it’s a bad idea to get pregnant or have a baby.

Hypnosis can help. Book a session if this is you and you’re ready to carry a baby to term.

Not everyone wants a baby. I thought I did, but decided in my 30’s that it just wasn’t for me. If it IS for you, or you want it to be for you, the video and PDF may be helpful.

Your body may be acting out some other ‘request’ that no longer serves you. Ask it why. Do some journaling to understand.


Use your dominant hand to ask the question, and your non-dominant hand to respond. This is also great for asking your inner child questions.

The energy of 2019 is a 3. It’s all about personal power and confidence to follow your heart and act on your dreams.

Namaste. You’ve got this. I’m here if you need help me.

Sherri. :O)

**You can do anything you put your mind to. Believe in yourself. When you do, everyone else will, too.

Experiencing Infertility


If you’ve been trying for a long time and you just can’t seem to conceive (or keep a baby), I’d like to help.

Sometimes infertility can be caused by really old beliefs related to you not feeling capable of taking care of another human or it not being safe to do so.

Sometimes, it’s because when you were younger, you HATED having your monthly cycle, and now you experience it quite irregularly (or not at all – been there), so you don’t even know when you’re ovulating.

Or when you do ovulate, you experience extreme terror that you won’t conceive, so you manifest that. Not conceiving. This likely makes you feel like a failure, or like you’re not ‘good enough’ to be a Mom.

This is SO NOT TRUE.

I lost my monthly cycle for an entire year. My body was telling me pretty loudly:
You CAN’T have a baby. This body is NOT capable of carrying a baby.

It was sort of cool not having a cycle, but I also felt NOT female, like I was androgynous.

I got my hormones back on track, and now my monthly cycle is absolutely perfectly normal. Actually, it’s basically abnormal compared to society because I almost never know I’m having it except that flow begins on day 1.

Pre-menstrual and menstrual symptoms are NOT normal. They mean your hormones are NOT balanced. This can cause issues with you conceiving, and carrying a baby to term.

They also create all sorts of torturous symptoms like:

  • bloating
  • headaches
  • cramps
  • weeping
  • anger
  • clumsiness
  • and more.

Life does NOT have to be this way!

Join me for a Transformation Session.

Let’s get to the ROOT Cause of this issue and see if we can heal it. Often, only 1-3 sessions are required to get to the Root Cause and to re-program your subconscious mind to attract what it is you desire.

A newborn baby wearing a white onsie lies face down on a man's arm with a black background

Book a session with me here:

You deserve to have all your desires.