Your Thoughts Are Powerful

I’m going to take you through a simple process to show you how truly powerful your thoughts are.

First, stand up, lift your left arm up to shoulder height and point your index finger at me.

Now rotate your arm and body around you to point as far behind you as you can. Do this twice so you have the exact marker on the wall behind you where your finger pointed.

No drop your arms by your side, close your eyes and repeat this to yourself:

I am powerful. My thoughts are powerful. I can now rotate my left arm at least 1/3 farther than I just did. I am seeing myself move and rotate my left arm at least 1/3 farther. I know I can. My arm and shoulder are so flexible that it’s incredibly easy to rotate at least 1/3 farther. It’s possible because I can think it, and my thoughts create actions in the physical. My arm now rotates at least 1/3 farther than it just did.

Now open your eyes, lift your left arm to shoulder height out front and rotate it to the left, exactly the same way you did it a minute ago.

Did it go at least 1/3 farther than it first did?

Mine went insanely further when I tried this!

This technique proves that your body listens to your thoughts.

A lady with brown hair wearing a white t-shirt and a grey sweatshirt holds a sizzling firework in her hands.

I love to learn more and more about healing all kinds of issues. After taking several years to heal an auto-immune disease, headaches and digestive issues, I’m always looking for ways to help people heal FASTER!

Fear and phobias, health conditions, headaches, addictions, smoking, weight release, etc.

EXCITING NEWS: I am currently undertaking a Rapid Transformation Therapy course with Marisa Peer to help you heal you faster and easier.

If you’re interested in healing any of:

  • fears and phobias
  • weight issues
  • headaches
  • digestive conditions
  • addictions (sugar, cigarettes, etc.)
  • infertility
  • other health issues

Please join me for a 90-minute session. We’ll get to the Root Cause of your issue, determine what the best possible outcome is, and re-program your thoughts to align with your desires.

Please book a session here: for $55 CDN (plus applicable taxes in Canada).


About Sherri


Sherri has one goal, to help women get their healthy-happy groove back. She guides women into their place of personal power by connecting them to who they are at Soul Level. She guides women through releasing old worn out patterns, imprints carried since birth and early childhood (even from past lives and your ancestors), and illusions about “who they should be”. Sherri helps women re-program their ‘stories’ about who they are so they can step into who they’re called to be next. 


Sherri had NO idea what she wanted to be when she grew up. Well, at one point she wanted to be a Veterinarian, but was turned off by all that schooling! She put her ‘people pleasing’ hat on early. She made decisions that would ‘keep her under the radar’ and out of perceived trouble, and decisions that she truly hoped would not disappoint others, or make her feel like a disappointment, or like she’d done something terribly wrong.

This ‘I should’ perspective caused her chronic headaches and terrible digestive pain and issues that began (from her recollection) as early as age 4. Sherri also very creatively and unknowingly manifested an auto-immune disease in her 30’s.

Sherri has since healed Graves’ Disease, a condition that was diagnosed by a VERY overactive thyroid and also, in her case, came with:

  • not speaking her truth (being terrified of authority)
  • chronic migraines that required prescriptive medicines
  • adrenal fatigue
  • Candida Albicans
  • embarrassing constipation
  • depression AND anxiety
  • insomnia
  • outrageously fast heartbeats
  • amenorrea for an entire year (the lack of a menstrual cycle)
  • muscle pain and tightness (the massage therapist and chiropractor visits didn’t help much)
  • excessive sweating
  • outburts of shingles

Sherri no longer experiences the issues listed above, at least for any period of time. When a sign or symptom presents itself, she’s now quick to get the Root Cause, release it and reprogram it.


This website is a space for you to learn that you are not alone. Others have experienced what you’re going through and survived, even thrived. You do NOT need to ‘suffer through’ more pain, signs, symptoms, anger, fear, sabotage, etc. You have a SUPER HUMAN inside of you that’s ready to be revealed. Please do the following things:

  1. Decide it’s your time to begin anew and thrive.
  2. Start being your own cheerleader rather than the woman who puts herself down.
  3. Speak to yourself with loving and kind words, as though you were a child or an adorable furry friend.
  4. Hold yourself accountable. If you won’t, who will?
  5. Learn as much as you can about you. Your Astrology, Numerology, Life Path, and learn to leverage the Universal Laws so you work WITH them, rather than against them.
  6. Ask for help when you need it. You’re not a silo. You are a beautiful woman and it’s time to let her shine.

Sherri Simpson