I know you’re a human, and not an onion, but you HEAL like an onion, in layers.
When I worked as a massage therapist, I had an innate knowing when people came in that their pain was NOT rooted where they thought it was.
My clients would come in and say: My neck hurts. Or: My back hurts.
And I would work on their quads and calves, on their shoulders, or hips, THEN at the end, I would move to the area of the body they were actually complaining about.
Why would I do that? Was I blatantly ignoring them?
No, of course not. I was trusting my intuition to help them to the best of my abilities.
And you know what? They made fun of me for NOT going straight to the pain spot, but they ALWAYS felt better after.
Your pain is often NOT rooted where it hurts.
Your healing then is NOT a straight line. It’s not a one-sized-fits-all approach for you to reach your goals and desires.
Your body is both human and spirit.
Your energy impacts your physical nature.
Your past and future lives, as well as your parallel timelines and other dimensions ALL impact your life in health, relationships and money/business.
The reason you’re not getting the results you want is you’re focusing on ONE thing that is NOT the root cause of your issue or pain.
I know that sucks because you’re spending time and energy doing what you’ve been told, and what logically makes sense. But it isn’t working!

You’re using a linear method and lots of DOING, but you’re not THINKING, FEELING AND INTUITING into the solution and outcome.
Your onion layers are requesting that you do things in a weird, different or odd order. But what order?
It’s intuitive, NOT logical. So you need to stop focusing on the step 1, step 2 process and think outside of the box.
That’s where I come in.

Ha. No, I’m not Angelic, but I do tap into the Other Side to help you. Your Higher Self and Spirit Guide Team, and sometimes your Loved Ones passed over are ALL helping me help you.
I help you get to the root cause, at least the next thing that’s ready to be released, so you can move along YOUR path, rather than THE path.
You’re unique. You’re special. Your path to heal and transform is also unique and special.
Yes, you can tap into your own intuition and start acting on that wisdom.
However, since many of the blocks and limits keeping you stuck are not ‘easy to determine’, you may not get to the root cause as easily as I can.
Your past lives and future lives can alter your deep emotions and energy.
Your parallel timelines, the lives that different versions of your soul are living out while you live this life, AND other dimensions can be keeping you stuck.
If you’re ready to get to the root cause(s) and ditch that old sucky energy so you can move forward, book a session with me.
These sessions are VERY powerful. You will feel lighter, freer and more aligned with what you truly want.
Read more and book here: http://YLTcoaching.com

Namaste. You’ve got this.
Sherri. :O)